Thursday, August 17, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 32

I'm a bit out of sequence with posting my weeks. I already shared this Week (33) in my previous post since I am the guest artist! Week 32 was last week (5-11 August).
I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 32 : Incorporate a fortune from a fortune cookie.
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : 
Theme: Art Appreciation - Embrace your art
Prompt: Make a Divider
Technique: Collage, stamp, stencil, mark, cut out
Sometimes you can look at a prompt and it doesn't fit your format of journal - I don't want a divider, but I can still use the techniques on my spread. Since quite a lot happened last week I decided to follow the prompts as a background and flip-up to enclose a few photos to capture the busy ♥
I finished my Mixed Media Collage Box Klimt in the garden on the weekend this prompt started : 
My lovely husband celebrated his birthday on the 8th. My son was part of the Prem A basketball team from Palmerston North Boys' High that won the Super 8 shield in Rotorua in the middle of the week
And I delivered this stitched book to a friend for her birthday last Thursday
Now to the spread. Collage. Began with a page from an old children's encyclopedia which will become my flip-up. The trimmings off that page were added to the spread along with other collage elements.
Stamp Not something I'd usually do as next layer but it was the next prompt
Stencil Now this I find hard to stop with!
Cut Out Nothing very dramatic here...I just curved the bottom of my flip-up to follow the line of the stenciled Rose. Added some drama with the black and white washi tape but it's not there yet
The background is too distracting from the photos
So I decided to add a Green Gold Glaze - I love the effect and you can still see all the lovely layers beneath
I didn't have a fortune cookie, but I receive Brave Girls' emailed daily uplifting messages and thought I would include words from there : more helpful than a fortune cookie message ;-)  This is very appropriate for me at the moment - August is turning out to be quite overwhelming....
Unfortunately, when I tried to glaze on the other side of the flap, it was far too dark and I wiped it off with a wet wipe which also removed other layers....
BUT in a happy twist the soft pinks that remained inspired me to a different direction. Lovely bird and floral label + previously stenciled cardboard heart glued in place = spread finished with flap closed
I really love that black & white tapa tape to anchor the colour and imgaery - here's the spread complete with flap open
You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE


  1. Interesting to see how you build up all those layers and I like the flap! It's always nice to have interactive pages in a journal!

  2. I love the interaction but my journal is getting so fat with flaps! Have to be careful I don't do too many or it won't close by the end of the year!


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