Monday, July 10, 2017

One Little Word 2017 : July Encouragement cards

I'm taking Ali Edwards' One Little Word OLW workshop. The monthly prompts encourage you to connect with your word throughout the year and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with SHINE as we head into the second half of the year. This month Ali talked about encouraging yourself with positive self-talk : how can you reset your course with positive affirmations? I've been using my Inner Work Journal regularly and it makes me very happy - I put tape on most of the edges so it looks pretty from the side view
A new month means a new theme in Book of Days as well as in One Little Word. 
This is the bottom of our monthly reflection for July in Book of Days. Effy is encouraging us to "Embody the light from whence you come. Shine". Completely aligned with my word ♥
Below is an example of a spread from my Inner Work Journal -  I glue helpful or loved things in, write what's on my mind usually in pretty colours, add lovely tape....
This is what I wrote the first weekend of this month : Beginning July and wanting to keeping SHINING and happily I immediately find support in BOD theme for July {Light}  and this poem : 
{Find Victoria Erickson on FB HERE}
I had such a fantastic month in June celebrating my birthday and feeling like the universe and I are in alignment ♥
Now we are half-way through the year and it is time to take a breath and think about what's next. How do I want to feel in another 6 months? What's the next piece of work to be done? How do I get closer to my dream? Do I need to revisit or change some of my goals from January? How can I reach new levels of SHINE and happiness? How can I help others achieve happiness?
Turning to One Little Word and considering where I need encouragement - I know I'm doing well in the areas of Share, Inner Work, Notice, Enjoy. There is definitely room for improvement in the area of Healthy. While I am maintaining a good gym habit, if I miss going in the morning (for whatever good reason) I don't try and do something else later in the day. Also while I am aware of trying to eat more green foods, I'm still eating too much "junk" and this is affecting my energy levels and therefore levels of rest and overall well-being. In February our prompt was Practice - I did very well for that month and discussed Gretchen Rubin's great book "Better than before". After birthday month and some perimenopausal challenges I need to refocus. I created this page in my Daily Journal last week which reflects my feelings very well : 
The messages I personally need to hear right now are about food as fuel - healthy eating = good energy to enable me to do all the things I'm wanting to do in my day and into the night. It's not about weight loss or feeling better about how I look - I'm actually quite happy with that (and to be honest, perhaps that's why I'm not so strict about following the rules that are good for me!). It's about feeling energised and bubbly. I'm not beating up on myself that I've fallen off the rails...I'm starting fresh today. I have a new tracking sheet to live on my bench
and I decided that one page is enough in my Inner Work journal to respond specifically to this month's OLW prompt. I've been writing a lot around this topic anyway. Reflections card and Practice heading from digital OLW - printed on old Calendar paper. 
Here's my completed page of encouragement cards for July :
I know that's a lot of sharing in my post, but that's why my blog is called "All of Me". Hope you find some encouragement and/or inspiration in it. See all my posts about OLW 2017 HERE, and my Flickr album which includes any art featuring my word as well as the class prompts HERE.


  1. Hi I (as you have seen) am a chronic binge eater. I have just picked up a couple of great books on mindful eating and love that approach - of slowing down and savouring and enjoying the food without judgment.
    The Headspace Guide to... Mindful Eating
    By Andy Puddicombe
    is one I think i will buy I like it so much.

  2. That journal is filling up nicely! I'm not sure I would ever find the patience to journal so consistently but I can see it's working so well for you!

  3. Sue - I like the mindful approach :-)

  4. Thanks Zsuzsa - loving it - I am finding it a great tool for personal growth.


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