Tuesday, July 11, 2017

New Hydrangea quilt project

This is me happily starting the school holidays this past weekend with a day-long class to find out how to make this beautiful dimensional hydrangea quilt by talented quilt maker Adrienne Walker : 
We were well set-up at a friend's house 
the pot-luck lunch was delicious
and by day's end I had made a single leaf
an organza sandwich for a skeleton leaf
and a couple of flower petals
This is what the whole group completed : 
Since then I have set myself up a wee kit so I can make more flower petals every chance I get - MANY more flower petals. One of those flower heads has at least 70 petals! I am going to do a variation on this quilt but probably still need to complete 2 heads....
Only 133 petals to go, and quite a few leaves as well. I will keep you posted with my progress. 


  1. I have the week off too and we have no boys as their grandparents have taken them to Ozland. So we are having a real holiday albeit at home. Saw a stunning film today: The Passion of Augustine... I think you will love it.
    Then my partner suggested we paint so we have set up a table near the fireplace in the lounge and are having a ball.
    Enjoy your break, So far I am loving mine.

  2. Wow, that's an ambitious project! The leaf you made looks fantastic - so tactile - and I can see how the little flowers will make up the flower head. You look very happy sitting by that machine! You ladies were thoroughly spoilt with all that food!

  3. Thanks both - I am having happy holidays. We have huge storm today - Good day to stay inside and stitch 😊
    I will look up the film Sue - the previews look lovely.
    My 7th bloggiversary today - grateful for it since it's how we "met"

  4. Awww, happy 7th anniversary! That's a long time to be blogging! Hope the weather shapes up better for the rest of the holidays! I'm grateful for some cooler temperatures for now - can't bear the heat!


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