Monday, June 5, 2017

Inspired by

Have been struck down with a cold so sharing some inspiration on our Queen's Birthday long weekend Monday. 
Motto cushions by the the talented Linda Kemshall :
- free video and PDF pattern HERE.
Hints of a new online class coming from Mary Ann Moss 
you can think of the class as the new 2017 version of REMAINS OF THE DAY.  sewn books of scraps, but different.
My new purchase at a recent Red Cross Book Sale : 
Wonderful definitions in larger print for found word arting for only $3. My old dictionary positioned over the new for word size comparison!
Poetry by Victoria Erickson :
What would your poem say? Mine in progress : I just want to live in a world of crashing waves, coffee, fresh fruit and salads, candlelit nights and sunshiney days, to play daily with paints, paper and stitch, connecting with others in love and laughter.
I'm in progress with a couple of creative projects : 
More soon. Hope you are finding time to be creative at your place.


  1. Wonderful inspirations Lynette! I especially love your poem! Must come up with a version of my own! Hope your cold gets better soon.

  2. Thanks - that poem is so inspiring - I reckon you could write one every season :-)


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