Saturday, June 10, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 23

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life 2014Week 23 : Practice gratitude - write what you are grateful for every day this week
And from the blog for Life Documented 2017 HERE : Prompt: Use at least three marks on your page making them numerous times.
Technique: Adding the same marks over and over for impact and using a palette knife for added texture.
My word for 2017 is SHINE - if you haven't visited before you can read how that came to be here, and you can see all my posts about my word of the year by clicking here. I decided that I would start this spread with the SHINE of gold paint. Next I used a palette knife for added texture. The extra shine from the iridescent paint is a bonus! LOVE that scrapey texture
Then I went on to add at least 3 marks numerous times. I think it's awesome to add similar marks in different sizes, and one of my favourite ways is with a stencil. I ♥ this tapa shape which I use often in my art - I've collected a few different sized stencils as well as a cool stamp and made my own freezer paper stencil :  
Didn't use them all, but it was fun to layer them in at least 3 different places on the page to create an interesting background
I also enjoyed repetition of pattern/colour from the original cover peeking underneath
Once my background was 'marked' I wanted to add my journaling spaces - purple stars were the logical choice for me. And I had to play with repeating different sizes again :-)
I really enjoyed the gratitude prompt to focus on this week. 
Although my week started off with a head cold, I will be happier when I look back on these pages to remember that I attended a great jazz concert by Swamp City Big Band (my husband on trombone)
I really LOVE my new tattoo (more about that later)
It was partly inspired by my art and in turn obviously inspired my pages this week :-)
I was thrilled that I've been asked to guest artist for this project later in the year! I'm grateful that I am well again and back to the gym - also grateful that I have this habit and usually good health to do it regularly. Grateful that I'm about to turn 50 and my party preparations are going well...purchased silver sandals yesterday ♥
I've photographed the finished spread so you can see the sheen of lovely gold pen adding even more SHINE to the page. I finished with some additional marks of white paint through dry wall tape, made even cooler because while doing it I picked up a bit of leftover paint which made the effect a bit grungier than just white. Click on this photo to see it larger
I hope you're having a creative weekend. Share with you again soon. You can see all my posts about this project HERE and my Flickr album HERE.


  1. Fantastic play with those patterns! I can't believe you've got a tattoo! :o :o :o Is this a first? Facebook tells me it's your birthday today so happy 50th! Another :o moment! You don't look a day older than 40, honestly!

  2. Hey Zsuzsa - Thanks I am having a wonderful birthday month ;-) There will be a more detailed birthday-related post at some point in the future. Yes - first tattoo - been thinking about it for ages. It's very meaningful to me and the ideas all just came together perfectly aligned for my birthday celebrations. You are so sweet - I feel fantastic!


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