Sunday, January 8, 2017

Daily Journaling Week 2

I'm following the prompts of the original Documented Life project from 2014Week 2 : Selfie (with your one little word if desired). When I turned to my next spread in my journal, again there was already paint on the page.
One of the things I thought about in times past was to use this journal to focus on faces. So my first thought : I wonder if this coincidence means I should try drawing a selfie? I loved Tam's lesson about building a dream and affirmation board which I saw during the Woman Unleashed retreat. I had already done a lesson like this last year with her during Life Book 2016 :
This current journal is only 1/4 the size of the original project, but I enjoyed it so much I thought it would be fun to use the same photo of myself printed smaller and see what I could do on a smaller scale. Here's the initial image transfer
DId the face first - after working in a large journal for so long a small face was a challenge
I still have a little of the tissue with gold stars left, and it was perfect for my garment and I used a new stencil to add my word 
Once I added the background and detailings around her head plus the tape she's done
Here's the comparison of outcomes from the same lesson - feel like I want to do another large one now! Click on the photo to see it larger.
If you think you'd like to have a go at this, Tam's instruction video is available at the retreat until 15th January - sign up here. You need to join the retreat and then skip to Tam's name on the Schedule (I also enjoyed Alena Hennessy's art lesson)
I had added some of the background copper to the journaling page opposite, and then toned it all down with a layer of apricot paint for writing
Last week's journaling turned out like this : 
This time I ruled lines across the page for journaling, but then made a block for Saturday/Sunday. I quite like to include photos and the narrow strips aren't good for that. But maybe I'll mix it up this week....
I feel like I need more space, but perhaps this will be good discipline to just dwell on my happiest thoughts. The original project included flaps on every page. I do love tags and since my space for daily thoughts isn't large I need to think of creative ways to keep track of the weeks. Maybe if I think I'm going to have a full week I could attach my art on a flap. You'll have to keep checking back to see how this develops ;-)
You can see all my posts about this daily journaling project HERE and my Flickr album HERE. Do let me know if you are blogging about daily journaling so I can come see :-)
There is a FB group for 2017 - run by different people but to keep the concept going : it's called Life Documented 2017. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to use those prompts purely because of the timing of their uploads. I'll let you know...


  1. Looks like you're right up to date with your daily journalling. This is something I want to try one day but most days I wouldn't have anything interesting to report other than what I had for breakfast LOL! Like how you recreated the selfie - perhaps I can see a bit of Effy influence there! I kinda like working small and you're right, you can always include a flap. I love flaps - they add interest and make the journal more interactive!

  2. Yes I think bits of all my teachers are rubbing off on me - I love this lesson from Tam. I am finding it a struggle to work small - probably a good challenge for me this year :-)


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