Saturday, January 7, 2017

Book of Days Week 1

I am so excited to share my first {of many} Book of Days lessons for 2017 - our first offering is located part way through my journal which I used last year. It's a nice divider to start a new year of creativity.
I blogged about my word of the year HERE. I decided to use it and my intentions that arise from the letters of that word for this page.  
I quite like this before the colour added. I enjoy the text in the background - the joys of using an altered book. Colour and iridescent medium added
Once I tidied around the letters again with more black paint, it was time to add various doodles
I shot this on an angle to try and show the lovely iridescent shine on the letters - click the photo to see the effect better large
And here it is complete
See my Flickr album for all my art from online classes with Effy HERESign up to Book of Days or other classes with Effy Wild HERE


  1. Wow, you're so prolific these days, Lynette! Just bursting of creativity! Love how you turned SHINE into an acronym. You book looks fantastic from sideways - I've just completed the first double page in mine. I was wondering: do you stick two pages together to make them thicker and take some out to make the book thinner ? I wasn't going to stick them together but they warped terribly so I had to.

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - it's just because I'm home with Summer holidays until end of January! I'm able to be out in my studio in the evenings as well cos it's still warm and light til late. Also have lots I like to start - it will calm down soon 😉
    My book has lovely thick pages so I don't have that problem thankfully. Because I don't often add very dimensional layers though, I don't usually find I've had to remove pages. In the past with a book where I did remove pages, I got 3 and removed the middle one (tearing close to the spine) before gluing the two around that together...that way I didn't actually weaken the integrity of the spine stitches.

  3. Thanks for the explanation! Sounds like it depends on individual factors whether to stick pages together or remove others. I'll see how it goes. Enjoy the summer days - makes me long for summer here - though I don't like the heat, I love summer evenings! I remember last summer sitting on the patio painting past 9pm! It was so wonderful!


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