Sunday, November 27, 2016

Teaching Star books

I taught my last class for the year yesterday - Star Books.
I made notes for class handouts and here I am all packed and ready to share supplies and inspiration
It sure spreads out on a table
and soon becomes messy ;-)
These were my samples for inspiration for the day
The students fully embraced the mess and sharing nature of such a project
As a bonus I taught them how to make lovely crusty tyvek beads
They'll look great attached to their tie closures - just got a photo of one completed :-)
After a couple of hours of making pages, they were ready to put their books together
Don't they look awesome? (click on any photo to see it larger)
All different in colours - all so lovely. View from the top shows their star shape a bit.
It was a VERY fun day for everyone concerned. 
Everyone was talking about the next one they're going to make and I'm happy to say they've said they want me back to teach something else next year ♥


  1. Sounds great. For me it is just a boost and a reminder that there are other people out there who love mixed media. Just have to find some locals!

  2. Thank you for an amazing, stimulating day, I love my tiny book and can't wait to start my next one, I'm already planning and gathering!
    Sue McClelland, Rangitikei Country Quilters

  3. Yay Sue - exactly what I hoped for you :-)

  4. Looks like your ladies had a blast! Love all those star books - not something I have tried before, but I have a book showing how to make them so I have no excuses! Loving those tyvek beads as well! That stencil on top of the pile is to die for. Do you know what it's called, so I can look for it? I find your teaching very inspirational, in terms of trying it myself if I could just muster up the courage one day!

  5. You have probably seen that stencil in a few pieces of my work - one of my absolute favourites. It's just from Spotlight (craft chain here and in Australia) - I'm sending you a private email about it :-)


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