Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Craft club : Christmas decorations

I work part-time as a school librarian. My love for quilting and mixed media projects has become known and as a result I was asked to teach a craft club lunchtime session this term. 
Every Wednesday lunchtime for 45 minutes in Weeks 2-7, the children learned how to make felt Christmas tree ornaments - deciding on the pattern shape and colours, then cutting them out and learning how to hand stitch and add other embellishments. 
We had a mix of boys and girls in the class, and ages were 9-12 years. I promised at the beginning that I would make a quilt for them to hang their decorations on so they would be displayed in the library for the last 2 weeks of the term.
The quilt is a simple tree shape - the children decided on the fabrics for border and the top Santa. I showed them at several stages of the process how the quilt was progressing - with and without the quilting
They all finished at least one felt decoration
and it was exciting for them to add their buttons to the tree ready for hanging their completed ornaments
So proud of their efforts. Presented at assembly on Friday to lots of gasps of appreciation ♥ 
Now hanging on display in the library. We will keep the quilt for craft club in term 4 again next year, and they can decide if their ornaments remain with the quilt or go home. All their names are on a label on the back so they will always be remembered.


  1. This a lovely idea Lynette! I saw it on Facebook and it's nice to read the story behind it. What a wonderful way to involve the kids and display their work like this. The best is that each year new decorations can be added. You have the best job in the world!


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