Friday, November 4, 2016

Journal October with LB2016 : Chunky Versals

I've changed the way I do "daily" journaling, and now do my memory keeping on a spread for the whole month. I did that for September HERE and a fun lesson from Life Book 2016 with Martha Lever was the perfect way to head up my October pages. She taught her Chunky Versals lettering and this is what I did with that : 
After September, I randomly chose a spread a few pages on in my journal and started swiping off excess paint as I made journal pages. 
Then I started using prompts from Documented Life to build my spread. Week 1 : hide something under your art, Week 2 : start with a doodle - the doodled October heading is glued down over some private thoughts about October. 
Week 3 : Draw a line down the middle and create 2 scenes. Thought I would start by dividing the rest of the page and doing half collage and half paint, but couldn't resist adding the flowers on the painted half. Then decided I should add a face since they've been a focus for October
and Week 4 : repeat a pattern led me to create a flower similar to those created HERE.
Week 5 : Incorporate the first letter of your name finished that page. I just tore appropriate words from the top of dictionary pages, and then found some lovely words to circle in the background. They didn't start with L but deserved to be highlighted.
The other page of the spread is photos and imagery that speak to me of the month - some are obvious (changing my wardrobe over to lighter clothes, mixed weather, winning the ribbon in the quilt show) and some only make sense to me unless explained (eg. the 2 chairs by the table = lots of time supporting study with my eldest for his big NCEA exams due to start next week).

Here's the whole spread that captures my October. Hope you have a fabulous November.
Click on the photo to see it larger. Go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HEREYou can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. 


  1. Awesome two page spread. Thanks for sharing your process. Very well done and inspiring.

  2. Yay - glad to inspire. That's why I blog :-)

  3. Beautiful lettering and a lovely collaged page using your artwork. One day, I'll try something like this too. I can imagine it's very rewarding to chronicle the events of your life and the pieces of art you've created.

  4. Thanks I feel happy with the memory keeping for the whole month at the moment.
    Happy creative weekend - I teach my banner workshop tomorrow so really looking forward to that one


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