Wednesday, November 2, 2016

From Past to Present Artfully

Happy November - it's going to be a busy and fun month. Last night I taught the first of 3 classes that I'm teaching this month. As part of the library's  Local History week, I taught "From past to present artfully". Above is a scan of the journal page that was the class sample. It was a 2-hour collage class that included some learning about composition, printing on different papers, using serviettes and tissue, and how to paint through doilies and stencils. I taught a similar class last year and there were some repeat attendees which was a good start. 
Participants got a pack with various papers in it (wall paper for the base) and class notes 
then I talked about a variety of things with sample sharing
 and demonstrations 
Then they had a go themselves. 
I was so pleased that they enthusiastically launched in and followed my advice that 'there are no mistakes' and to just have fun trying things. If you know my work, you know I love to use "found words" - usually in large print books from library book sales - romances and sagas are the best. I had torn some pages out to include in their pack, and one of the participants found the perfect phrase for how they all felt by the end of the evening ;-)
This is where they got to by the end of the 2 hours.
It was a very happy evening and a great way to start a new month creatively. I am also teaching my fabric banner and star book classes this month so look forward to sharing about those later.


  1. Looks like your ladies had a great time working on their collages! Loving those quotes and your sample page. I don't think I would have the courage to run a similar class, but I find your bravery very inspirational!

  2. I get as much out of it as I put in - very inspired to share the knowledge and see their new-found enthusiasm in a skill they can see tonnes of new possibilities.
    Now to find more art time for me :-)


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