Thursday, September 1, 2016

DLP prompts and daily journaling

Welcome to September and the beginning of Spring here in New Zealand {happy dance}
I decided to change my way of daily journaling this spread. I've been feeling less like documenting my everyday happenings and just doing meaningful journal spreads, but I can't quite give the DLP prompts a miss so this time I decided to divide my spread into 4 and use a prompt for each section. 
Prompt : layer 2 favourite stencils
I had some deli paper that I had gelli printed in a session with 2 stencils - it was a lovely piece to start this section (left under the August heading) - of course then I had to add 2 more of my favourite stencils....and then I was starting to get into the next prompt...
Prompt : collage
This was such fun, and I left space to add some journaling, but released myself from making it formally daily by not adding proper dates - really like how this page turned out 
Prompt : document a happy thing
Double happy with the arrival of a new great niece (see the quilt detailed in my previous post) and the feeling of Spring fast approaching. Our Magnolia tree has been bursting from bud this week 
- lots of pink required to celebrate these two events. I began with a couple of favourite tapa stencils in different sizes 
Then decided I could use them to create a memory of the flowering magnolia
Also cool to be able to use a spring stamp - have you ever tried wetting a watersoluble crayon by dipping the tip in water and then rubbing it on a stamp?  It gives a lovely soft image
Prompt : self-portrait AND highlight your favourite number
I feel like every face I do becomes a self-portrait of sorts, and I am enjoying creating faces more and more...I don't have a favourite number, but feel like "lots" is good - especially when it comes to flowers. This was how she started
The completion of that section gets me to the end of August and the latest DLP prompts -
not sure what daily journaling looks like for me in September, but you can be sure I'll share it here :-) 
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. You can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.


  1. Lovely visual impact! I think it's important that we don't become slaves to our commitments. It's ok to change our minds along the way and allow our art journalling routine and format to evolve and fit our lives rather than the other way around! Just do what feels right at the moment. I also started out with a "schedule" but now I just go with the flow. It's all part of letting go of our need for perfection.

  2. Hi Zsuzsa - totally agree. I love having the blog to capture snapshots of what I'm thinking and feeling about my creativity and my projects. Right now I'm feeling a shift and I'm enjoying seeing where it will take me.


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