Saturday, August 27, 2016

Baby Quilt

A new first baby arriving in our extended family = an opportunity to make a new quilt. I was able to make this one ahead of time because we knew a little girl was coming. I already had a fabric I wanted to use for the border, and I found that the mum-to-be likes pastels, so instead of going with my first thought of brights, I found this lovely paisley fabric which meant I was able to fussy cut the bird shapes with the pattern for wings. Also decided to add a few flowers fussy cut from the border fabric
I fused and appliqued the tree and borders on first
and then the words
Then I layered the top with batting and backing
I attached the remaining elements by stitching through all 3 layers so I was quilting at the same time. I free-motion stitched a double-loop for the background quilting
My Janome 8200 QC machine is FAN-TAS-TIC. Love it more with every project ♥ Here are the leaves/birds before and after appliquilting
and then I added the background quilting around
This is a view of the back
You MUST label every quilt you make (I used this Sharpie fabric marker)
And here is the quilt complete
Click on any photo to see it larger. 
Loved having cuddles meeting her yesterday - one day old :-)
Since I only have boys in my family, I also had to make a very girly pink card
and gave her my favourite Fairy Tale book 
Jane Ray is a gifted illustrator - if you don't know her work, here's a spread from this book :
Happy creative weekend to you.


  1. This is sooooo lovely and totally beyond my capabilities! Cute baby too - you went to town with the pink! I remember when I first got into scrapbooking I felt a bit disappointed that I couldn't use all those lovely pinks papers, but with mixed media I can now use as much pink as I want! It must have been weird holding a newborn again! I don't think I even remember what it feels like.

  2. Luckily my husband is from a large family and one of the youngest so we are now on our next generation of great nieces and nephews ;-)


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