Sunday, May 15, 2016

LB2016 : Our Lady of Self-Compassion

At last another lesson from Life Book 2016 to share. This one was from Shiloh Sophia McCloud, and was a very enjoyable way to get back into my art journal. I spent some time thinking about what I want to invite more of into my life
I didn't mind finding alternatives when I didn't have her exact supplies
Her method of creating a face was so easily broken down into steps that I followed along and added colour washes as well before I remembered I was going to take more process photos ;-) Was at night anyway - so this isn't quite right with colour
And then it was time to add pattern, and I got carried away again in the process, until I felt happy that she is done
Click on the photo to see it larger, or go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HERE


  1. Oh wow Lynette: I love this lady! Mysterious and yet romantic. Love what you did there!

    xx Tessa

  2. I did a sketch for this lesson, but then I never took it any further because I got distracted by Tam's droplet lesson, which I didn't do either! Oh, well, I might do them later. Love what you did with yours - the patterns are beautiful and I can relate to your words! I bet all those things are winging their way to you :)

  3. So sweet of you to say that Zsuzsa.
    I am watching more than I am doing at the moment but this just spoke to me.


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