Wednesday, May 11, 2016

DLP (face on a tea bag) and daily journaling

Autumn has finally arrived but in the gentlest way - our days are getting cooler and it's dark by 6pm, but we're still having lots of sunshine and I haven't had to wear my tights to work yet... Inspired by autumn flowers :
I found another fabulous book - one of those ones that I didn't want to stop reading, but wanted to make it last....reading it quickly won out! I can't wait to read another of hers.
In my last daily journal entry, I shared a PAC (pocket art card) where I'd created a face. I was also inspired by what Rae Missigman had done in that challenge which was to create on a tea bag. I didn't make a PAC this time, but glued a raspberry tea bag straight into my journal. I love how the text shows through behind, and I kept her simple with watercolours 
I don't know whether it was because it was in my head, or because the universe knew I was inspired, but I then came across this other cool tea bag art by Ruby Silvious who did 363 days of tea in 2015 and is currently working on 52 weeks of tea in 2016. As another aside, wouldn't this be a cool idea for the ICAD challenge? (2016 starts 1 June). I think the master of tea bag art is Judy Coates Perez - check out her links HERE.
Spent the 2nd week of my school holidays quilting in preference to art journaling and was so happy to get my quilt finished! See more of it HERE.
And now we're back at school and half way through week 2 already! On Saturday I had a lovely play day with friends to celebrate another birthday. She chose alcohol inks - this is one of the fun backgrounds I created (and I used one of her gorgeous stamps)
I'll share more of this play day soon....Here's the completed journal spread. 
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE. And you can find out more about DLP 2016 the unPlanner HERE.

1 comment:

  1. We're pretty much going into summer here now. The other night I was astonished to see that it still wasn't quite dark at 9 pm. I've followed your tea-bag links! Amazing what people can do with tea bags! I would be afraid to put through my printer, though I have tried printing on tissue paper before. Lovely spread, recording all your memories. I've put that book on my watch list!


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