Friday, March 18, 2016

One Little Word : March Vision Board

So far I am loving being part of this workshop. It is definitely helping to keep my word of the year "Transform" present in my life. The task set by Ali for this month was to create a vision board. I've never done this before, and can't remember when I created a project that was solely collage. First I gathered appealing images and meaningful words. 
I highly recommend these magazines available in New Zealand (and some overseas) for their great words, lovely imagery, and nice (not shiny) paper.
Then I started to play and it didn't take me long to get my initial layout down. 
If you look back at my January post about my word for 2016, you'll see I talked about goals for transforming physically, relationships, creatively, my soul/spirit, and living spaces. I'm satisfied that I've represented all these areas : 
I can't decide which close-up area I like best....Ali made her vision board on a canvas, but I was happy to put mine in my art journal. It's present larger as my new background on my computer
I'm really happy with the mix of imagery and words that make my intentions around "Transform" meaningful - click on the photo to see it larger.
Find out more about OLW 2016 HERE. See all my posts about this project so far HERE. This last photo has also been posted in my Flickr album for the completed spreads in my Daily Journal HERE.


  1. Another great page. I love Daphne's Diary in the UK.

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment Diane. Have a great weekend

  3. This looks so much fun! I've never done collage only either, perhaps only digitally. Like how you tuned it into your desktop background. I'll check if any of those magazines are available in the UK!

  4. It really was fun - Diane (above) commented that Daphne's diary is in the UK at least :-)

  5. Yes, it is! I have subscribed for the next four issues to try. I have also found an old copy of Flow magazine on Amazon just to see what it's like. Thanks for the tips!


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