Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Daily art journaling and a Play day

I shared the left page of my next daily journal spread last Wednesday. I was trying to properly journal DAILY, but the rest of the week was really busy so I only sort-of managed it. Never mind - lots happened and I had a good time, and it's all captured here now so that's all that really matters. Celebrated a couple of birthdays over the weekend and shared the cards in detail in my previous post. On Saturday, 4 of us got together for a play day. The friend whose birthday we were celebrating got to choose our activities for the day. First up was to make the bases for some paper mache teacups. FREE instructions for this project HERE

Here are our efforts drying in the sun. I brought home extra wallpaper paste so will share when I get mine finished...Next up was to alter a photo by adding layers of acrylic paint. It was quite a simple exercise, although I approached mine a bit differently from the other 2. Theirs look very cool I think.
I added purple sakura glaze pen after to make the flowers stand out better.
We finished up the day with some more "5-minute flowers" - a Life Book lesson that I shared initially HERE. This was my piece on Saturday - it's done on Khadi paper, available from Trade Aid shops in New Zealand.
As with the other one, it didn't feel finished until I added the stitched outline. Here's the completed page 
and here's the entire spread 
Click on the photo to see it larger. You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE.


  1. Such a lovely page in your journal.

  2. Thanks Diane - I like how this one turned out too :-)
    Hope you are doing something creative that is making you happy

  3. A playday, how exciting! Lovely cups - are you going to paint them? Great idea with the photos. I've been looking into using my photos in my art too, but I'm still clueless! Enjoy the rest of the week!

  4. Hi Zsuzsa - yes there will be paint, but also some smaller text collage, maybe some serviette layering, and some found words....have a lovely weekend


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