Tuesday, February 9, 2016

LB2016 : Quirky Bird

I am very impressed with the start to Life Book 2016. Of the 8 lessons offered in the first 6 weeks, I've wanted to do all except one of them. It's not too late to join....Week 6 (last week) was a lesson from Tam creating Quirky Birds. I didn't want to create an entire page of birds, but thought it might be fun to create just one - and I was right :-)
After working so large in my last Life Book project (see my previous post) I created my bird on a small piece of watercolour paper (6" x 8") using Twinkling H2Os as my base colours, and then adding various markers, tape and thread to finish. Enjoyed the process so much forgot to take process photos! She was fun to doodle on :-) 
Took my final photo in the sunshine so if you click on it you can see some of the shimmer of those watercolours.
Go HERE to see my Flickr album of all my Life Book 2016 projects. You can see all my posts about Life Book this year HERE.


  1. Your quirky bird looks so much fun, Lynette! Great idea to use twinkling H2Os. I'm planning to do a close-up too, where I can experiment with the watercolour technique Tam introduced. I still don't feel very confident with watercolours. I've tried my TomBow's yesterday for the first time. They will take some getting used to! I think it's the unpredictability of watercolours that I find a bit tricky, but I love the effect!

  2. Hi Zsuzsa - what fun you got some TomBows - always fun to try out new supplies :-)


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