Friday, February 12, 2016

Daily journaling

We are in high summer here in New Zealand - sunny days - hot temperatures - sometimes a bit much humidity, but mostly I love it, especially when there is time for swimming in the pool :-) Seemed appropriate to start with hot pink in my background and had to include some screen shots of our weather forecasts. All true except we don't seem to have had much of the cloud and no rain this past couple of weeks (Click on the photo to see it larger)
A few things to celebrate this past fortnight. In October of last year, I completed a Life Book lesson called Inner Warrior Princess - see my process HERE
Last week I received a message on FB from the teacher of that class, Andrea Gomoll, asking if she could feature my art to promote the class which is now being offered as a mini online class. I replied that I was thrilled and flattered to be asked, and she has said she will add a photo of my project when she next updates! 
As a side note for you, Tam has announced the release of 5 of her classes from Life Book 2015, now available as mini classes HERE
While I didn't do the two in the top line, my versions of the other classes are linked here : Fly High, Beacon of Light, Seeds of Love. For all of the lessons I did, I linked to the artist, so if you're interested in checking to see if anyone else now has lessons available, you can get to them via my posts about Life Book 2015 HERE.
Now we're in February, we have a new creative prompt for our One Little Word class with Ali Edwards. 
This month we're focusing on the concept of "Practice", and we're picking one single thing to focus on every day in February. It's an idea used with the permission of Elise Joy - the creator of the daily goal tracker. I am finding it motivating, encouraging, and helpful to be concentrating on just one practice for the month...may make this a monthly habit :-)
Monday 8th was a day off for us (Waitangi Day) and I spent some of it creating my Quirky Bird for Life Book 2016 - shared in my previous post.
The next best thing to being in the pool is lying on my bed with all the doors and windows open, and devouring this : 
And loving that I can make these daily journal pages whatever I want. After our lovely long weekend, Tuesday to Friday this week was mainly : get kids to school, go to the gym, go to work, come home and get in the pool to cool down, do I just had a bit of fun with some found words and left out the boring details of those days and that's fine with me :-)
And I celebrated my 500th visit to the gym today!! 
It's been a good 2 weeks : 
Hope you have a great weekend with some creative time.
You can see my Flickr album with all my daily journaling spreads HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to include the weather forecast! I've never tried this sort of "documented" journalling, but looks like fun and the little reminders will be treasured forever. Sometimes I find old receipts lying around and they always take me back to the time when I bought something, went to a coffee shop, watched a movie, etc. Congratulations on being chosen to feature on Andrea's website. How exciting! When I see these mini classes advertised, I always realize how great value LifeBook really is! If you break it down, each class costs less than two pounds - if fact, with the discount we got from last year, it's just over a pound each! It's unbeatable! Have a lovely weekend!


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