Tuesday, January 5, 2016

One Little Word : January

I definitely won't be blogging daily once this initial rush of "first pages" is over! But I'm loving having the time in my holidays to do it, and to share with you in the hope you will be inspired to try something creative in your life as well. I shared my first page in my new daily journal in my previous post, and I cleaned off my stencils on my facing page which made an easy start on page 2 :
I thought about whether I would start my daily journaling there, but decided I would rather answer January prompts from Ali's One Little Word class since I already had my word so prominently on the spread. My presentation is completely different from Ali's, but I managed to include her main elements. First I took some inky papers and popped them through my printer to get some of her headings on them
I managed to include quite a few responses on my page : my definition and symbol (click on any photo to see it larger)
summary of intentions  - I glued the paper to a card and this flips open to show...
what I want to invite and release, and a small photo of me 
a quote about transformation
and words of encouragement for my journey
Happy with how that all came together on the page
and this how the entire spread looks completed - first one in my daily art journal :-)
As well as this page in my art journal, I've also done a detailed blog post about my word that meant I could just summarise my intentions on this page; I have a Pinterest board for inspiring quotes about my word and staying on track; and I also have a clearfile book which contains the work I did on Susannah Conway's FREE emailed class to find my word, a printout of my blogpost, and Ali's class notes so I can flip through at any time when I need a boost; 
and I've also got this reminder about healthy eating which hangs on my noticeboard right next to my pantry door!
See the original art I did for this HERE.
Seems I've got all my support material sorted. Now I just need to start working on my transformation...small steps every day.

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