Monday, January 4, 2016

LB2016 : Creative warm up

Feel like I got to start Life Book 2016 early because I joined up through Effy's linkThis gave me membership to her Seekrit Clubhouse and a bonus class on note-taking. I created my cover for my Ultimate Notebook immediately I got the information at the end of December
Of course it includes my word for 2016.
And now for the first Life Book lesson which was a creative warm up. I started by scribbling as directed, and gathering my colours and a mask of a butterfly.  
First layers of collage and lovely colour : 
Then it was time to add some stencilling. When I'd sponged the acrylic paint through, I needed to clean my stencil, so I used a wet wipe to clean it off on the facing page - a good way to start my next page so it will look nice but not be a double spread. 
As I added more stenciling, I continued to clean off on the opposite page - below you can see the original paint through the stencil on the left, cleaning off onto blank paper top right, below right I cleaned the tray with my wet wipe and wiped that onto the page, and then rubbed the remaining paint off the stencil on top - so many different effects from one application of paint on a stencil :-) Click on any photo to see it larger.
Here's the page ready for the masking.
I used my butterfly mask and then filled it in with pen work to define the shape. My word of the year (see previous post) is Transform, so this page also fits in nicely with Effy's Week 1 prompt for Journal 52.
And here's my page complete
Yay - I am so thrilled to have started Life book, and my first page in my new daily journal. And I've made a start on page 2 at the same time. Here's the entire spread as I left it today :
Talk to you soon.


  1. Wow! I am in the Journaling 52 too. I am going to start reading your blog. I like your art and your writing.

  2. I considered the possibility of doing my LifeBook pages in a journal, but decided to go with the individual sheets in the end, mainly because I've got loads of watercolour paper. I kept buying them so I wouldn't run out, so now I have a huge stack! At least you won't have to worry about binding your book at the end of the year! The butterfly goes so well with your word! Lovely start to your book! I also thought about signing up through Effy's link, but Tam offered the discount. Do you still get the alumni discount if you sign up through a link? So glad you're doing LB again, so I can follow along! I always feel a bit lost in the FB group.

  3. Hi Zsuzsa - yes you get the Alumni discount and Effy's offerings/group. I am so glad I did that. I am so happy we are doing Life Book together again - inspired by your work as well :-)


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