Friday, October 30, 2015

Week 43 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life project is HERE. 
Vellum is quite ethereal so I didn't want to make my background too dark this week. Once upon a time, I had fun using gel medium through a stencil as a resist. Thought that would provide a pretty patterned background for this spread. Here's the gel medium through the stencils (wash your stencils immediately after you've lifted them off the gel)
If you click on the photo you can actually see the patterning. Then it was time to add sprays - so pretty I almost don't want to add anymore!
The prompt "Windows of my mind" made me think of all the ideas and responsibilities I have that get juggled into different compartments in my mind. Decided I would use 3 tags for this challenge - I already had some that I'd made on previous occasions :
The purple one was a fun experiment with wax. I then decided to write on the back of each one about the 3 main concerns that circulate in my head : creativity, my job and home responsibilities, and friends and family.
Nice to have a snapshot of the concerns in my life at this moment. Will be interesting to look back on in years to come. They needed to be prettier though, so I added sari ribbon and some metallic machine stitching to the edges.
Now to attach the glassine in the form of pouches for the tags. I wanted to stitch them, but that turned out to be too hard in the journal so I used washi tape, and that was some fun additional patterning
You can see in this close-up that even though I used a double layer of glassine, the background still shows through
Not sure what I'm going to do about my daily journaling for this week. I have a couple of ideas but it will depend what the next week's challenge is. {How I decided to do it HERE}
Here's this week's spread complete : 
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.


  1. Oh, it's really cool and very nice.

  2. The resist technique worked really well! Must try! I don't blame you for not wanting to cover it up. Love the tags with the journalling on the back as well as the little pockets!


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