Sunday, October 25, 2015

Gelli print patterns

In my last post I shared how I started my spread by gelli printing and cleaning off some of my stencils in my journal
This was the background I got, and I thought I might just quickly share my papers that I created in around 2 hours. Click on any photo to see them larger.
I used a variety of papers as my starting point - sheet music, book pages, deli paper, tissue, tracing paper, and cardstock.
Some of these papers already had initial layers from previous sessions - I love them all better the more layering of patterns they have.
These may end up as backgrounds or collage fodder or added in various ways to my art journal or handmade cards. This underpaper looks ready to be added to my inky paper stash for future use as well :)

1 comment:

  1. These all look wonderful! I like using gelli prints in collage as well, especially on deli paper because it's stronger than tissue paper, but still translucent. I haven't tried printing on book paper yet, what a great idea! I love the one with the boats!


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