Friday, September 4, 2015

Week 34 : DLP 2015

Well - it's September. I can't believe that August went by so quick, and with very little blogging! Hoping there'll be more creativity to share with you this month.
Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life Project is HEREI'm a little bit behind - this is last week's challenge :
August Theme :: Faces, the Human Form & Characters
Art Challenge : Layered (Using Multiple Mediums)
Journal Prompt :  Speak to your younger self- what advice would you offer?
The first thing I thought about was using a technique that Tam from Willowing describes HERE called "Paint over Collage". I began by gluing down sheet music, serviettes, washi tape and a glossy magazine advertisement. I then brushed over the advert with clear gesso (click on the picture to see the brand I used and the brush strokes of the clear gesso).
Clear gesso gives a good toothy base so that when you start to paint over the paper, the paint goes down nicely.
I started to give her hair, and to add flesh-toned paint but I didn't touch her eye because I loved the effect of the makeup there. 
Adding more layers. I muted the background from the previous photo by brayering over with white gesso, and the gelli-printed tissue is nice to give subtle pattern that blends with the background. I had wanted to darken her hair a bit and when I took this photo immediately saw it as journaling space....
More layers - cut under-paper, pansy serviettes, some stamping with paint, and some pen highlights. Then it was time to add journaling - advice and reassurance to my younger self. I tilted the page when I took this photo so you could see the words more clearly, but as you'll see in my photo at the end, the lettering is more subtle when viewed flat as part of the whole spread.
As soon as I saw the magazine image, I knew she would be holding a young me - whispering in my ear with love
I filled all the gaps in my page with journaling - it's another layer
And here's the completed spread :
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.
Try and fit some creativity into your weekend and I hope to talk to you again soon.


  1. This is such a gorgeous journal page. I like everything about it.

  2. Love the way she is whispering in your ear!


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