Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Spring Inspirations

The 1st of September has been and gone, and although we started with rain and cool temperatures, it IS starting to warm up during the day. I've taken the winter duvet off our bed, and I am dying to swap out my winter wardrobe for lighter summery colours and bare legs, but based on past years' experience I think I'll have to wait for the Spring equinox as the turning point for spring weather : roll on 23rd September.
I love Spring - it's full of new hope, it's warming up, we are moving towards more daylight hours.
2 weeks of school holidays for us at the end of September. Looking forward to a lovely family adventure in Rotorua...this will be our view {sighs happily in anticipation}
- we went last October with friends, and now we're taking the boys. 
Daylight Savings will begin at the end of this month - YAY. More daylight hours = more fun outside and in the studio.
Hopefully as the weather warms up we'll also spend more time here :
I often have a bit of a down time artistically in winter, and Spring is a time of renewed enthusiasm and a push to complete projects - there's still plenty of this year left....
I need to get onto this quilt top
 - maybe that's a spring holdiay project. 
I'm quite excited that I've been asked to teach an art class at our public library's Local History Week! This month I'm working on a project that will be called Bringing History Alive Artfully and I'll share my sample soon. Hopefully get enough interest to run this in November...
If you're looking for fresh online class inspiration for your Spring or Autumn/Fall - these are new offerings ::
Brave Girl University is a new initiative from the Brave Girls Club
- doors opened 1st September 2015, and they offer a wide variety of teachers and workshops for US$24.95 per month. Read more about the offerings HERE
The next FREE Strathmore Workshop started today. This one's about hand lettering and calligraphy - get all the info HERE.
You can join and participate in this workshop until Dec 31, 2015.
Also today - announcements about new Life Book 2016!!
I'm still loving Life Book 2015, even though I haven't had a chance to keep up with the lessons this past month or so. You can save all the videos and PDFs for later reference, and seeing the new offerings every week keeps creativity central to my life. There are many new teachers for Life Book 2016 - just reading the list provides plenty of new inspiration - I'm discoving artists I didn't know! There are going to be lots of opportunities to win a space by commenting on the blog hop, and there is also the chance to apply for a scholarship! Read all about it HERE.
Hope the sun is shining and you're getting time to create where you are.

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