Thursday, July 16, 2015

Week 27 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life Project is HERE. We're up to a new month and a new focus :
Got a week behind while I've been chilling out in the school holidays. Was also getting distracted by thinking about a number of projects I want to do. At last I realised I needed to just pick one and create.
In my chilling out post above, I looked back at this time in previous years, and wrote about grieving for my grandmother a couple of years ago. She left me her silver thimble which had also belonged to her mother. This "Life with a history" prompt got me thinking about those women who have gone before me, who also shared my love of stitch, music and roses. I printed black and white photos of me, my mother, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother, and then gathered some ephemera  
Top left is some paper that my grandmother had used to replace a cover on some sheet music, and the writing is a copy of hers from a contents page she'd created for a music collection. The bottom pieces are rub-ons with sewing, faith and endurance sentiments, I stamped simple roses on sheet music, and also gathered some lace and old stamps.
Begun my background by gluing down some sheet music and book pages
Then wanted to add colour and had the brainwave of doilies being lacey and appropriate for the time
I added a light watercolour wash and some rub-ons to define my journaling area
and now I have some lovely coloured doilies to add to my collection of ephemera and photos 
Time to start layering
And I eventually ended up with this as my finished spread : 
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.
Now I'm off to have a look at this week's challenge...

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!! I am so impressed with this spread. Thanks for sharing the inspiration. It added layers to the finished product. Reading your process I felt like I was going on the journey with you. Seeing it take shape, seeing the finished product - these things really touched me. Time for me to look deeper at the way I put together my work. The finished product is powerful and meaningful even to someone on the other side of the world. I imagine it must bring tears to your eyes with it's impact.

    Anyway, long way to say I love this spread.


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