Sunday, July 19, 2015

Spiked-Border-A-Day challenge progress

You may remember that a month ago I shared my idea for making progress with a quilt. I challenged myself to make one spiked border a day towards my "Wild Women don't get the blues" quilt. When I first thought of the challenge I had made 4 blocks :
In the first week, I'd made my 7 borders, so was motivated to find the time to complete 1 more border so I could finish 2 more blocks.
When I did my mid-year review of projects a week later, I was on track :
Then I got to school holidays. I was dragging my feet a bit not feeling as enthusiastic about my colours. Then I wondered if I was being too "matchy" with my block construction and I looked again at photos I'd taken of Karen Stone's original quilt in class :
Sure enough, I was right. I immediately took the block I was working on
and swapped out a couple of the borders to make it more interesting
Loving that and loving that top fabric so I wanted to use it immediately in another block
Really excited about these looking so good and I kept stitching more than a border a day in my second week of school hols....The momentum gathered, and I decided to added a few fat eights to increase my palette of oranges - those smaller cuts work well for variety without costing a whole lot
These led to another afternoon of stitching blocks. Here are a couple including the new fabrics - don't they look cool?
and because I have been making such great progress, that engenders more enthusiasm. I now have completed {drum roll} 
19 Blocks!
My original post estimate was that I would have 25 blocks all finished ready to put together by 5th September. Tomorrow we're back to usual term routines, but if I go back to my original plan of one border a day, my past history indicates I'll actually complete 8 borders and finish 2 blocks per week.  I should be ready to assemble the quilt top 9th August! Will share again when my quilt top is complete - excited!

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