Friday, June 5, 2015

Week 22 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE weekly Documented Life project is HERE
Began my page by gluing some papers down randomly 
and then did some getherings of textured papers - not sure what I will use yet.
 I do love the look of the inky doilies so hope I can incorporate them, and the flowers on the right are torn old lacey scrapbook papers that I've been using as a stencil - now falling apart. I know I want to do a face this time, so flick through my book by Jane Davenport and am inspired by this page : 
It makes me think about summer, being topsy turvy and how I'm opposite to the season of most of the blogs I read. So I laid down some of my favourite lovely summer colours and then started on my face
Then turned my page up the correct way to add my calendar journaling block and check how it's looking. Click on any photo to see it larger
Now to add some textured papers. By tearing the edges of those inky doilies, I'm able to add what you can consider hair or a scarf wrapped warmly about her face
I'm loving the torn flowers from the paper I was using as a stencil too. Most of the blogs I'm reading at the moment are celebrating the coming of Summer, but "I'm so not feeling it" (this week's art journal prompt) because here in NZ we have just started winter. The other side of that torn flower paper is dark and has some modeling paste left on it from my last use of it, and it looks wintery/chilly/icy so I added some of that to other places on the page
At a book sale last weekend, I picked up a very cool wee book with lovely translations of phrases for a traveller to France (published in the 1960s). These phrases seem appropriate for my current weather conditions - sometimes a sunny lovely day, but mainly we're feeling the winter chill
And here's this week's spread complete : 
Click on the photo to enjoy it larger or see it in the Flickr album I've created for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE. You can see all my posts about this project HERE.

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