Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Inspiration and FREE in June

I love our library - they continue to purchase wonderful art books that I can explore and enjoy for free. These are my current new discoveries :
Have a look inside via AMAZON
This book features 109 artists whose work was selected after submitting their work through the Create Mixed Media site - you can view the preview gallery HERE.
This is a book of fantastically inspiring colour-full art, alongside interesting comments by the artists about their pieces and often their process. I adore this book and have loved making new discoveries. My new favourites are Gia Whitlock, Laly Mille, Susan G. GreenbaumTricia Reust, and a happy revisiting of Jodi Ohl. Wonder who I'll love best next time I take this book out...
As the title suggests, there has been a first publication called Incite, Dreams Realized, (preview gallery at Create Mixed Media HERE) and a third to be published October 2015 : Incite 3 : the art of storytelling.
The other library book I'm loving is :
Great masters, stories of the paintings and the times of the artists, gorgeous close-ups, inspiring faces (good for my current fascination) A beautifully presented book I'll return to.
If you want to feed your art habit online, I have found out about 2 FREE events in June (so far). Let me know if you hear of others:
Link to all the posts about The Summer of Color 5 HEREIt's a big, international blog party featuring six weeks of color prompts, weekly linking opportunities, fabulous giveaways, creative inspirations and an amazing artistic community. Includes weekly demonstration video of Kristin's approach to each weekly challenges. 
Read about The Painted Guru at Bebe Butler's HERE. From 11th June, your inbox will be blessed with a daily interview by the featured artist, info about the artists, and a link to a free gift. Bebe promises that the artists will give you insights, creative tips and stories to change the way you create! You can sign up HERE.
Tam from Willowing has also recently uploaded yet another free batch of videos - they are titled "Processing feelings through creativity" - go HERE. Here's one of the images from that lesson :

She says she covers layering/gelli-plating/drawing a face/photo altering in this spread.
These have also been uploaded to my list of all the cheap and FREE online artful classes I've seen this year - you can always find that link in my sidebar - just under my profile.
Hope you are fitting creativity into your week. Talk again soon...
EDIT : another challenge for June posted in the comments. Not added to my list of classes since it does not include any demonstrations of techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Punk Projects is doing an eight week theme challenge this summer. Lots of great suggestions, etc.


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