Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 12 : DLP 2015

Information about the FREE Documented Life Project is HERE
I've been enjoying watching the videos in Roben-Marie's new workshop for the past couple of days so really wanted to use my gelli plate for this challenge. I was also inspired this week initially by a fellow challenge artist whose flowers reminded me of those by Angie Lewin and Anne Brookes
I started with my gelli plate and since I knew I wanted to do flowers, started with greens for my background and printed straight into my journal :
The second layer I went a bit lighter with the paint, but it didn't make a big difference to the left hand page
I wanted to have more contrast so reached for brown as another garden background colour. 
Should have reached for the raw umber, but instead used burnt sienna - it came out quite orange! I do love the effect of cleaning off your stencil with a baby wipe so that the paint rubs onto your page...
I had to tone it all down a bit, so added a layer of buff titanium - again used the wet wipe method to transfer even more of the paint across the page.
Still very green on the left, but think it will be okay once I start adding my flower layer which is soon. First I stamped with one of my own hand-carved stamps and green paint for leafy effect - it also marks out my journaling section for this week.
Because I didn't go brown in my background, I now happily have the option of using a favourite colour combination of turquoise and brown for my flowers. Also wanting some lighter flowers so added some buff titanium too when I painted in shapes to doodle on next
I'm going to use that lovely liquitex paint pen (photo above) for my flower doodling too. Click on any photo to see it larger.
I had such fun with my doodles, but made sure that some of the mark making from the gelli printing shows through in a few gaps between this layer of flowers
Here's this week's finished spread :
Unusually for me, this page is made entirely of mark making and doodles. I fulfilled the art challenge of them as a focal point, and the page came quite quickly into focus.
If you like mark making, you might like to check out Traci Bautista's bonus video on her blog HERE. It's a continuation from Lesson 3 of her free Strathmore workshop and she shares some fun ways to add handmade stamps and stencils over your printing.
You can see all my posts about the Documented Life project HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Documented Life 2015 spreads HERE.


  1. I just love how your page has come together Lynette and love the striking pop of the blue colour
    x catherine


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