Friday, March 20, 2015

Gelli printing : new class excitement!

So excited to see that Roben-Marie Smith has just launched a new gelli print making online workshop called Printmaker Pro.
It is on special until Sunday and I have signed up immediately! I took her Mixed Media Mayhem class and it was fabulous. She shares a great deal of information and her videos are very professional. She is also very helpful with responding to questions you may have along the way. I loved what I saw in this gelli printing video she produced a couple of years ago and am excited to see what she has learned since then. 
Go here for all the information to sign up including preview video and lovely photos of her printing work - and it's on special until Sunday US$5 off.
How am I going to fit this in with my other classes you might wonder?!...I think this will fit very well with my Documented Life weekly challenge - I used my gelli plate as layers in my journal in weeks 9 and 10. This class will give me more ideas for general journal pages, and lots of fun papers to use for collage, card making and my other mixed media art. I love that she also includes stitch in her projects.
You make 2 lovely minis and a larger folder to stash all the lovely printing as part of this class : 

Both of these images by Roben-Marie Smith
I love my gelli plate but know I don't use it enough - this will help enthuse me I am sure!
If you are interested in printing but don't have a gelli plate yet, there are other options. You can make your own : there's a recipe here - I might try making a round one
Check out Traci Bautista's FREE 3 part class at Strathmore where she shows how you can use a paper palettea glass plate or even plastic page protectors
This Strathmore class stays open now until the end of the year - some great ideas for beginner and to stretch yourself as well.
Hope you have a great weekend with time to have some creative fun. Talk to you again soon.

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