Monday, February 2, 2015

Wild Women Don't Get the Blues

How fabulous January was for inspiring quilting ideas to carry me through the entire year! To finish January/begin February I did 2 x 1-day classes with international tutor Karen K. Stone. I have long been an admirer of her work, and was blessed when my friend gave me her book as a thank you for staying with me recently
Check out the photos of Karen's "Reptile Wisdom" quilt that she made for the Tutors' exhibition at Symposium at the end of this post.
On Saturday 31st January I did her class "Wild women don't get the blues". Here I am all packed ready to go
First up Karen had a big suitcase of her quilts which she generously showed and discussed with us - a feast of's a taste :
She is wonderful with colour, as well as being technically amazing at what she does. This is one of her latest quilt tops which makes my heart expand - the colour and pattern make me feel so happy :-)
After the show & tell we moved into selection of fabrics and the actual quilt making. This is a photo of the fabrics I took to class - I "shopped" my stash - I know I need more of that lovely blue in the background of my feature fabric, but just went with what I had
Here it is rearranged by Karen during a discussion about colour choices, and she only removed a few fabrics (about 6)
She confirmed I "need" to shop for some blue fabric of the background colour to round out the palette, but good to go on the day....This was a foundation piecing class, so slow going. I did well to finish 8 borders to go on 2 blocks of feature fabric - here they are sat on the fabric to give you a look at what my quilt will be like
So far loving it - will share as I make progress. Below is Karen's sample...I have a way to go :-)
"Wild women don't get the blues" by Karen K. Stone


  1. I have been out of the quilting world for some time. Love these quilts, an exciting, vibrant and clever use of colour. Hmmm, may be time to unpack my fabrics.

    Love your fabric choices, it is going to be stunning. Please tell me you don't work full time so I can let go some of the inferiority complex!

  2. Hey Sue - glad you like the quilty posts. I indeed only work part time, and only school terms so am very blessed. There are also some things that I do and don't do that help me find time to create. I think there's another blog post there ;-)

  3. Beautiful fabrics, I'm sure your quilt will be wonderful, love your color choice.

  4. What an absolute privilege and joy to have had guidance and inspiration from Karen. Her quilts 'sing' with vibrancy. A feeling and understanding of colour is one of your special abilities too. I look forward to seeing how you combine and use all those lovely colours you selected from your stash at home. xx


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