Thursday, February 5, 2015

LB2015 : Creating a mixed media dream catcher

This next Life Book project was creating a mixed media dream catcher with Rachel Rice. We started with a background of torn papers. I just glued them on a background of 2 old book pages glued together - saving my watercolour paper for when it counts
Click on any photo to see it larger
I had the perfect stencil to use for this project (6" x 6")
and was able to recycle a piece of an old top
I painted the lace gold, and layered a couple of the stencils
It was fun to bring out a feather stamp carved by me and to stamp both directly on the background and to create a feather on card that had been painted purple, and was then cut out

I used a couple of different feather shapes and methods as my base for meaningful words : "nourish" feather was paint applied through the stencil onto gold painted card, "present" was card from gelli printing session, and "grow" from inky underpaper.
I utilised machine stitching to anchor some of the feathers and the lace, as well as for decorative additions to the page
And this is my completed piece
I'm feeling so glad that I committed to Life Book this year - I'm pretty much keeping up with the main projects, and have only missed a couple of mini lessons cos they didn't appeal to me at the time (maybe later). So far I have found other life bookers to be a hugely supportive group, the main lessons are jam packed full of information (excellent value for what we've paid) and most of what I've seen so far I actually want to make ;-) It's not too late to join us!
You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERE. 


  1. This is so good ! I love it. My favourite colours and leaves, and lace and yummyness.
    Also I love your leaf stamp and I want that stencil! Can you remember where you got it?

  2. Lynette your page is really lovely and the dream catcher is very well made.


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