Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On A Lark

I did 2 quilt classes recently with Karen K Stone - quilter extraordinaire. My first was called "Wild Women Don't Get the Blues" - I shared some of Karen's quilts and the beginnings of my quilt HEREMy second class was called "On a Lark" - this is Karen's sample from the class
"On a Lark" by Karen K. Stone
As you can see it is a riot of colour and fibres - very fun. Since I want to complete my "Wild Women..." quilt as a full size project, I decided to go smaller with this second class. These were my stash gatherings :
And my piece progressed quite quickly on the day:
Adding loads of fibres is great fun. They totally change the look of the piece, and feel lovely to touch as well - I used a variety of sheer and fancy ribbons, wools, and sari ribbon.
I'm not working on a regular shape and you'll see why at the end. Once home, I added many more fibres from my stash and things progressed along. We have just had a long weekend in New Zealand, and I managed to complete this project : 
Some close-ups to show the gorgeous textures
Love the way the sari ribbon frays as shown above. Then I trimmed the piece ready to put it together
Here's the completed fabric folder -  I used the same variegated thread in the top and bobbin, and went around the raw edges and joined seams with a machine satin stitch. Click on the photos to see them larger.
Front view closed
Front open
I could have attached a cord to it and used it as a bag, or I could have gifted it to a friend, but I'm using it as a lovely home for the individual art pages from my Life Book lessons until they are ready to be bound at the end of the year.

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