Sunday, February 8, 2015

LB2015 : Affirmation Feather

In the same week as the mixed media dream catcher lesson in Life Book Tam surprised us with an unscheduled bonus lesson. We started again with lovely Dylusions sprays
Some collage
And then we drew our feather....Tam coloured hers with watersoluble markers, but I don't own any of those, so used what I had. First watercolour paint
click on any photo to see it larger
You can achieve lovely effects by adding different media - I wanted to define some of the feathers so added watercolour pencil which I then blended with water
and then the feather needed a bit more bright, so I used a wet paintbrush to take colour off a watersoluble crayon and then paint that on some of the strands
Ready for highlights and meaningful words
I might have called this done, but I felt like it needed "something"...Tam added paint splatters to hers, but I was too worried I'd spoil it. Walked away and when I returned, I saw other work on my desk and realised it was obvious what my piece was missing : always add stitch
Now I'm happy to say it's finished
You can see all my posts about Life Book HERE and I've created a Flickr album for all my Life Book projects HERE. These are the 5 projects I've created so far 
Thinking I might have to change my colour palette, or at least extend it for the next lesson...let's see how I go with that challenge ;-)


  1. I absolutely love this page, it is stunning. There was a feather challenge in the DLP 2014. I didn't feel confident drawing a feather, so I bought a stamp. I wish I had just had a go now. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Thanks Diane - couldn't have done it without the brilliant Life Book instruction from Tam but I put my own spin on it. Loving that course

  3. I love the details in your feather Lynette . . . soothing work to do and look at. Is it wrong of me to want some inks when I don't use everything I have now?

  4. Wow yet another beautiful page.

  5. Wow! Your feather is stunning and the stitching just sets it off perfectly!!!

  6. Thanks Cheryl - I love to include stitch in my work where possible :-)


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