Thursday, January 1, 2015

My word for 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR - Wishing you lots of creative joy
I've had a word of the year since 2011. It's helps me be intentional as I move through my days. When I started thinking about this, I thought I was heading for an active word like "explore" or "grow"....but in the background I realised I've been thinking a lot about being "authentic" (in my art, in how I live), about "joy" and "being present" as well as self care - being "calm", and wanting to build on my gym habit with more healthy eating options, and more family walks on our days off together.
I highly recommend Susannah Conway's Free 5 day email class to find your word.
My Word for 2015 is NOURISH
It was a surprise, but it feels so right. When I got my fifth email and Susannah suggested creating a pinterest board of your word, I clicked on hers and it was Nourish! When I saw it, I knew my chosen word was right. Immediately my whole body relaxed and I felt "Yes" :-)
For me it encompasses all these words : Support - Encourage - Cultivate - Authentic - Care - Sustain - Feed - Strengthen - Natural - Delight - Mindful - Healthy - Develop - Body & Soul - Creative spirit - Pure - Nurture - Cherish - Grow - Wonder - Pleasure - Happiness.
My intentions for 2015 are to :
Nourish our bodies - prepare healthy food to give my family good energy to fuel active lives - continue my gym habit and celebrate what my body can do - doing more regular family walks on the weekend - and also making sure I have times to rest, some self-care
Nourish my relationships - being mindful of how I speak/react to my family and friends - to lift and support them - to delight and encourage them - to be present in the moment with them - to share joy - to cultivate friendships - to show love to my husband and boys.
Altered ornament
Nourish creativity - creating regularly - being authentic - learning new skills - sharing on my blog - creating gifts that nourish others
Nourish my mind - read - watch movies - listen to music - explore new ideas - keep a record of meaningful quotes and inspiring creative projects 
Nourish my soul/spirit - intentionally notice ordinary beauty in my day - count my blessings - remind myself of how lucky I am - be present - share gratitude and wonder.
Page 80 in my Full Tilt Boogie journal
I choose NOURISH. What do you choose?

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