Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Ta Dah! list

As the year comes to an end, I thought I would share the larger projects I completed in 2014. I also made cards, and did some online class work, but I haven't included them here. You can click on any link to take you to the relevant post. 
December Daily project - completed January 2nd
Love collage and card for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary
Another fabric collage for my sister-in-law's 50th birthday
This Art journal
I transformed my work diary
Created a desk sign
Journaled our South Island holiday
Christmas cards (I know I said I wouldn't share cards but this counts as a larger project since I made almost 40 of them)
Star book for my mother-in-law
Feathered Christmas tree quilt
And not quite finished but they have been major projects that are very close to done :
Stitched paper daily journal - only these 2 pages to complete and I'll be binding all the loose pages into their cover
Full Tilt Boogie - last seen in the previous post with only 8 pages to go!
Both these journals will be shown complete in January...
That was a fun post for me to create and realise how much I achieved this year. And now it's a good reference if I need to find one of those projects easily :-)
See you next year!


  1. Wow, you have been both prolific and terrific. Look forward to following you in 2015.

  2. You certainly have had a very busy and creative year, thank you for sharing it with us. I have my list of projects for 2015, I hope I complete lots of them. Happy New Year x


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