Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Weekend fun

We've had a weekend in Rotorua recently so thought I'd share a post of captioned photos of our time away to inspire you with our lovely New Zealand scenery. I also made a couple of crafty magazine discoveries.
1st stop : Brown Sugar Café - Taihape
Heading north - Desert Road and that lovely mountain
Morning view from our holiday accommodation : Lake Okareka/Rotorua
Good breakfast here at the Fat Dog Cafe 
Lovely Tui sculpture to admire while shopping
New Magazine discoveries at McLeods Booksellers
These 2 Dutch magazines are divine - full of lovely images, some good reading, and I'll be able to chop them up for beautiful additions to include in my journal when I've had my fill of reading. See more about Daphne's Diary HERE and Flow HERE
View of Lake Tarawera
The Green and Blue Lakes are very pretty if you catch them on a sunny day...
we didn't!
Eat Street - night time dining choices.
Good food and nice beer samplings for the boys at Brew
- craft beer award-winning bar
Walk in the Redwoods Forest
A fun walk
Beautiful bush
Lunch at Solace before we travelled home
It was a wonderful relaxing time. 

1 comment:

  1. Love breakfast or brunch (or any meal) at the Fat Dog. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.


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