Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stitched Paper Daily Art Journal : pages 2-5

So excited about this new daily journaling project. This was my first page 
Pages from my 2011 project have now been turned into stitched paper daily journaling - click on any photo to see it larger : 
Sept 2014 complete
click on any photo to see it larger
Some of the pages have very few words - I like to just enjoy looking at the interplay of colour, images, and stitch - love the tactile nature of stitch as well
2014 complete
Sew Wild technique here :-) Back view of this page so you can see the stitching
I keep my old sewing machine needles so when they get too blunt for stitching on fabric, I use them to stitch paper. I don't do anything special - just lengthen the stitch if I am doing straight sewing and make sure the paper is reasonable thickness - like scrapbook paper or watercolour paper. Otherwise, as you can see, decorative or zigzag or messy straight stitching all work just fine.
2014 complete
I am loving both the {almost} daily practice and how these pages look when complete.

1 comment:

  1. Lynette your pages looks fantastic, love the different papers and images you have used.


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