Sunday, September 21, 2014

Watercolour Calendar Journaling

Some more in my watercolour calendar journal from August. Whenever I just can't decide how to start a page I get out my stencils. The left of this was sprayed through the stencil, and the right page was used to blot the remaining ink to get the stamped image
I loved those colours and decided to add some tape that would tone but add something else
Click on any photo to see it larger
This tape is great in that it inspires me to add some pink next. I was watching a cool video from Teesha Moore over at the Artstronauts Club where she used ink in a water brush. I decided I'd like to try that to do some lettering so decanted some bubblegum pink
And here's the pink added to the page!
I went a bit crazy - partly because I loved the look of the pink, and its effect over the other ink, but also because I had more than I realised in the brush and didn't want to waste too much of it. Here's what happened on the other page
Then I went back to adding some more of the tape trim to my original page 
Happily, I went to see "The Hundred-Foot Journey" - happily because it's a lovely movie, and also because the tape tied in nicely with the Indian aspect. I also finished my Me Time Messages project that week.
Click on any page to see it larger
On the other page my flower got a bit more attention
My photos of my cards are a good record especially since these will be gifted away
I love the colour combinations in this spread...all because of the tape I added a the start :-)
You can see all my calendar journal pages in my flickr set HERE.

1 comment:

  1. The time for me to get back to paints and pens is WAY overdue! Weaving is great fun but when I see what you've been to . . . . well!


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