Friday, September 19, 2014


I needed another batch of cards with several birthdays coming up so started as I have in the past with 4 sheets of A4 cardboard which I sliced in half, and then folded to make card bases. This time I made them slightly different sizes
I started by spraying over a favourite stencil laid across 4 cards
Without removing the stencil, I used the other cards to lift the remaining ink off
Then I continued the process...I never know what I'm going to end up with and this time they are heavily layered!
Click on any photo to see it larger
Once dry, they are ready for various additions - tape, words, butterflies and I especially love to add stitch. These ones I'm calling done
And these ones still need some words once I decide who gets to receive them
Can't quite decide which one I like best. I am really happy with the last above which uses one of my own hand-cut stencils - need to do more of that when I have some time... Which one's your favourite?

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