Friday, August 15, 2014

Watercolour Calendar Journaling

I keep all the paper towels that I use to blot my work
They are grungy and yummy and I thought it would be fun to start my next spread by gluing some down on the background. I just used one paper towel for this spread - 2 layers pulled apart and torn. I love it.
Click on any photo to see it larger
On my left hand page I had sprayed onto one of my lovely stencils and then pressed it down as a stamp, so I just glued the paper down around it.
This spread was during our school holidays - a good chance to catch up on some reading and some viewing...We never watched the TV series of "Elementary", so very happy to be able to catch up on that on DVD from the library. Also saw "How to Tame your Dragon 2" at the movies as a family - highly recommended.
A busy and exciting week - I started the Me Time Messages project, and our Manawatu rep boys' team won their Under 15 National basketball tournament! (our older boy is in that team) What a fantastic experience that was. So lucky we were there for the quarter, semi and finals to cheer them on.
Enjoying playing with lettering and some pretty pieces of washi tape given by a friend - I'll remember her visit without even writing it down :-)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend with some time for creativity.
You can see all my calendar journal pages in my flickr set HERE.

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