Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Me Time Messages 5

Have just completed envelope #5 of "Me Time Messages" : instructions HEREStarted with another area for improvement :
Decided to use a window envelope this time - here's the other side of the journal card inside my recycled envelope before decoration.
The gesso didn't cover as much of the black writing as I'd hoped, but I pressed on. Here's the envelope with gold stamping (not very visible) and gloss gel medium through a stencil which was supposed to act as a resist to the layer of dylusions spray. Didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped but it's just another layer in the process. You'll see the effect a bit better if you click on the photo - we'll call it subtle.
I used masking tape over my window so I'd be able to see my word when finished
What a transformation when I added black ink stamping, and other details. Here's the completed window side of the envelope, showing my word inside on the journal card and I also added a found word "calm" with a bit of doodling. I like that I left a bit of "negative space" where you can see the texture from previous layers.
Click on any photo to see it larger
Used ransom style lettering on the back of the envelope and a bit of doodling around them. Love this effect :-)
Only 1 more lesson left. See all my postings from this workshop HERE


  1. Thank you for joining in with the workshop.

  2. I love this series of envelopes. Very cool. And I share your impatience, mostly with myself and my perceived lack of productivity.
    What actually has helped is to do projects that take a lot of time and cannot be finished within one or two sittings. This sounds counterintuitive, but it really helps me.

  3. What a lovely idea. I need to be more patient too.

  4. Hi Lynette, I discovered your blog a couple of days ago, by wandering around the internet, as you do. And to find you live in Palmy, when I'm in Feilding, you could have been anywhere in the whole wide world. I have become very inspired by your work, and Clare's, with the Me Time Messages. I'm a complete novice with mixed media and I think this will be a great initial project to begin on. Such good tutorials. A friend is coming over soon and we are going to make a start.
    One question please - where do you buy most of your supplies, in Palmy or online? I trawled Spotlight and Warehouse Stationery yesterday, with limited success. The one scrapbooking shop I knew of has gone. I see all the lovely washi tape for example, and could only get a few bits. Many thanks, Marina

  5. Hi Marina - hope you check back here since I don't have your email address. I have had good success with - online ordering, efficient service, and if you get carried away and spend over $70 you get free shipping! Feel free to email me any time if you have other questions. My email is in my blog profile. Lovely to hear from you :-)

  6. Thanks so much Lynette, I'll go and check it out now. Need to get more supplies after having a very fun day making my first piece of mixed media. And then off to Evento, the Feilding Wearable Arts. Hope you saw it, amazes me how professional the show always is. I also want to thank you for your kind comments and photos about the Kowhai Quilters show at the Coach House this year. I'm club president this year, so I'll pass on your comments. Cheers Marina, who is keen to spend some money at artofcraft tonight!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.