Friday, May 16, 2014

Journal of our South Island Holiday

Spent our autumn school holidays at the end of April touring the lower half of the South Island, and thought I would share our journey by showing you through my travel journal. We flew to Christchurch and then got a camper-van and toured for 2 weeks around the lower South Island. 
Started with a black-paged book from Trade Aid.
And now that I'm done it's chock full of goodness
You saw some of the base pages HERE when I did some gelli printing like this : 
And when we were on the road, I added pen work in the form of pattern and words about our days, and left gaps for photos to be printed once home

This past couple of weeks, I've been gradually printing out photos on photo paper in various sizes, and putting them in the journal - some as extra fold-outs. Here's some pages within my completed journal.
This next photo is the same page as above with photos flipped open.
If you clicked on the photos to see them larger, you would have seen some of the stunning scenery we enjoyed. New Zealand is such a beautiful country - click HERE if you would like to see other photos I've taken on gorgeous NZ holidays.

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