Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Back to Watercolour Calendar Journaling

Last time I showed you my calendar journal was in April before I had my bloggy school holiday break. The last page had machine stitching down the side
We returned from holiday on Friday 2nd May to a busy weekend, and then the reality of being back to school and work. On top of that I had a cold, so it wasn't until Sunday (Mothers' Day) that I was gifted some time to catch up. I started with this
My last entry in the journal (top) was that we were packed and ready to leave on Good Friday. Although I kept a travel journal while we were away (which I am working on to have finished to show you by the weekend) I felt I needed to include some of that experience in this journal. I glued in a photo that I had printed but not been able to include in my other journal, and then wrote briefly about our experience. This journal was also a good place to include some of my arty purchases

The butterfly and peacock feather are Balzer Bits - small masks (with a small price tag) that I love. I may be falling for more of these in my future! It's been nice to get back to using watercolours and distress inks and to have a white page base (my travel journal has black pages). As I've been entering photos in my travel journal I've been adding tag inserts, so used that technique here to include the labels of some stencils that I bought,
Both these Teresa Collins sets from Rubber Stamps by Montarga
- also available for online ordering
Also on the tag is my new tape, word stamps, and lovely fantail stamp (also featured on the Mothers' Day cards of my last post). 
As I moved to the adjoining page I kept adding more of my new loving using them and when I look at this page in the future, I will remember my Christchurch shopping day. The word stencils were a great way of me covering a week in short order as I looked back from Sunday.
On Saturday I made the Mothers' Day cards, so on Sunday I decided to include the watercolour bloom technique here 
Love how this page turned out
and here's the entire spread finished. Feeling I'm back into my calendar journaling rhythm now.
You can see all my calendar journal pages in my flickr set HERE.


  1. Very pretty pages.
    You record your life on paper, I do it on me blog!
    Both effective.
    I also machine stitch onto cards I make, and I use fabric like you use pretty papers.

  2. Lovely pages Lynette . . . you did have a lovely shopping spree didn't you? It's all very well to order online but it's relly great to be able to sort through things and make a choice!


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