Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Watercolour Calendar Journaling

My new watercolour journal has quite large pages (9 x 12 inches) and I've decided I'd rather show them to you individually from now on instead of as a spread. My next page started with some of my gorgeous watersoluble crayons scribbled on the page and then blended with a water brush to lay down some colour. Nothing fancy, but a nice soft background for my daily entries.
Last week included Valentine's day, and although we don't celebrate that personally, it was a thrill for me to arrive at my new work and find some cellophaned heart chocolates with a heart tag that said "Thank you for being a brilliant librarian. Happy Valentines. With love..."  I had to include a photo of this in my journal and used the opportunity to add stitch (see my last post) around the printed photo to attach it to a background piece of paper. 
I'm using my journal to record my days, but also to capture general things I enjoy - it might be a quote, or a book I'm reading, or in this case just capturing a print of a stamp I enjoy using a lot. 
Even when I'm busy, I can usually fit some calendar journaling into my day.

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