Sunday, February 16, 2014

Always Add Stitch

I love to stitch both by hand and with my machine, and while I enjoy creating with fabric, there's a different kind of joy about adding stitch to paper.
I love the texture it gives
- the extra dimension that you can touch
- the difference between machine and hand stitching
- the elements of extra pattern and colour you can add
- and the extra fun of adding layers of fabric to this process.
And while I'm no stranger to combining paper with stitch, and have made this resolution in the past....
somehow I keep forgetting. I've recently made a new sign for my studio desk to remind me - click on the photo to see the stitched details larger
...and it's been working. My last journal page included stitch
there was the Valentines card in the last post, and then I created this tag and added hand stitching before I glued it to the background page in my Full Tilt Boogie journal.
Looking forward to asking the question every time I create a piece of art : How can I include stitch?

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