Thursday, January 16, 2014

Full Tilt Boogie and Journal 52

In September of 2012 (can't believe it was that long ago!) I did Mary Ann Moss's Full Tilt Boogie class and created this journal
I started art journaling on the pages in November of that same year
and have shown you 48 completed pages over the course of that 12 months - the most recent being November 2013.
You can see all the pages in my Flickr Set. There are still 46 pages to go in the journal so I am just over half way through. Another lesson learned about how many signatures you might like to put in your homemade journals :-) 
I've been considering various free online art classes this year. Because I want to make progress in this journal, I'm going to use the weekly prompts from The Documented Life Project and Journal 52 to fill up my Full Tilt Boogie Journal. If I do them regularly, I should have my journal finished sometime in June and be able to create something new for the rest of the year.
The next page in the FTB journal became my base page for the first prompt from Journal 52 : Up, Up & Away! I wouldn't have thought to start this prompt with the image of the indian woman on the gorgeous background and at first I was a bit stuck. Then I made myself just start with what I know I love - adding layers with paper serviettes and washi tapes.
And before I knew it, I was creating a page I love. Butterflies add the "Up, Up & Away!" part, and the words from an old large print book are what I need to continue to grow my art this year and let myself fly.
Love the completed page and looking forward to seeing where the next prompts lead me.


  1. I came over from Flickr to see more about this page. I have also signed up for Documented Life and Journal 52 :)
    Love your page and your blog - I like to work in fabric, too. Great job with this journal so far.

  2. You made my day! I am very happy and relaxed too that I find this blog. I was looking for the matter discussed in blog post. If you have some more blogs on the material please share those as well. Thanks a lot and keep sharing such useful information.

  3. What a yummy journal this is, and how fun to continue to work in it through this year too!

    I will check out the class post too.


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