Saturday, January 18, 2014

Another fabric collage

Loved the first McKenna Ryan fabric collage I did so much that I made another. Again started by "shopping my stash". Being Thrifty :-)
Here's the background pieced and the applique pieces fused down.
The flowers before and after stitching - click on the photos to really see the difference
I gave the dragonfly a bit of extra sparkle by outlining it with metallic thread.
I had all the stitching done and should have been at framing stage, but I just knew it wasn't finished. Left it for a day and when I came back it was obvious the bird needed detailing with metallic thread and a bead for the eye.
Once I added that bead I realised I needed beads in a few other places!
before beading
And now it's finished :-)
and it has a co-ordinating card
I love that even though these are McKenna Ryan patterns, I have made them my own.
The first was given for my mum & dad's 50th wedding anniversary, and this second is being delivered as a 50th birthday present this weekend.


  1. So beautiful! The stitching adds so much texture and of course, one bead does lead to another.

  2. Both are so beautiful, love the colours and that you made them into wall hangings around a canvas frame. Beautiful!


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