Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Finishing with the Cover

Sometimes I like to leave decorating a cover until the journal is all filled. Started with this in January 2012
It was a journal for workshop experiments 
Creative Jumpstart Tags 2012
21 Secrets class with Cathy Bluteau
and calendar journaling as I finished with Kate Crane's format
and later started my own current practice
Now it's full
I began the cover decoration by scraping modelling paste through a stencil
and also just scraped onto the cover and then stamped into with a wooden block stamp. Click on any photo to see it larger.
Then added more texture with dictionary paper, torn sheet music, paper serviette, and drywall joint tape
Left to dry completely and then it was time to add paint
and tissue tape
and more paint
have to show you a close-up of the delicious texture
and still adding...pieces of paper serviette and more paint
metallic rub-on paints for extra depth
and painted bondaweb (see Kim Thittichai's youtube technique HERE) for crunchy gorgeousness - the bondaweb parts are the orange sparkle below right, and the purple sparkle to the left and below the gold dots
and here it is finished
front cover
back cover
And now it's time to find a new journal...


  1. Love all of your textures, and now I need to go and play with my modelling paste...!

  2. All that yummy texture makes me want to touch it!

  3. It's beautiful! I like to start with the cover so that every time I reach for the journal I can enjoy the cover art as I'm deciding on what to do next inside.


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